
2012-06-16 - Truth revealed - who's behind Haruneko?

Haruneko started as a collective effort - that was especially true back in time, during the Ace Gals Tennis days. However, time passed, and probably now I can say that Haruneko is, almost, a one-man-army. An army however that brought to you the indie hit Akane the Kunoichi - not a bad army indeed :)
The man behind the game is...
Haruneko started as a collective effort - that was especially true back in time, during the Ace Gals Tennis days. However, time passed, and probably now I can say that Haruneko is, almost, a one-man-army. An army however that brought to you the indie hit Akane the Kunoichi - not a bad army indeed :)

The man behind the game is Giovanni Simotti: programmer, game designer and graphician, pro since 2003, pioneer of the mobile game development. Lots of product developed in the past, both good (like Sidegolf, Kyotokei), and bad (like Enjoy your Massage), on consoles and mobile devices.
Haruneko comes out from the desire of doing game development "for quality", without being limited by things like budget or whatever, even if that's means doing it as a night job.

Doing so I can say "The release date? It's ready when it's done" even if I'm not Blizzard - and that's the way the 600-hour-of-hard-work Akane the Kunoichi has been put together.

Everything (graphic, programming and game design - except the soundtrack) is the result of my efforts: hope you'll like it, and please, keep supporting Haruneko! :)